Before I decided to work full time from home, I was working in an advertising agency. It was fun, exciting and it was such a fast paced environment. I belong to the accounting department so I was always up on my toes trying to get work done. One of our major clients is a world renowned manufacturer of milk, coffee, cereals and what-have-yous so you can just imagine how busy we were because they were constantly having promotions which required our agency to supply manpower and other things pertinent to the promotion. I was in charge of processing the invoices, as well as coming up with cost estimates for our client’s projects.
I remember that there was one incident when one of our merchandisers suffered an injury while working in one of the supermarkets where our client’s products were sold. The merchandiser was busily stacking boxes in the store room of the supermarket and he didn’t know there was an exhaust fan behind one of the boxes. So when he reached for the box, his fingers got caught in the fan. The poor merchandiser had to stay off work for a long time and it was such a shame because financial aid took a long time to come. I remember that the process prior to his receiving what was due him was so rigorous and time consuming. If only there was something like No Win No Fee to help him out then. I'm sure help would've come sooner.

5 thoughts:
about work injury I see not employer gives staff that. :( even if sick I was only able to get MYR$15 but not enough as usually MYR$40 see doc.
yeah it depend on the company if you work in big company maybe you get benefit.
yeah some insurance will find the company to offer the insurance they can cover for the staff.
I have seen worker at restaurant with finger cut, so sad, I am sure its painful and I dont know if the insurance help them.
insurance and other benefits is the reason why i cant transfer from other company. Our local companies here are so barat when it come to allowances and benefits of their employee
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