Isn’t it funny how pressured and too tied-up you feel when you’re working? Whether you work in an office or you work from the comfort of your home, you can’t deny the fact that there are times when you feel as though you have so much to do, yet so little time to achieve everything. I often feel that way and yet I work from home and I hold my own hours.
There are days when I just feel so bored over what I think (at least for that particular day) are mundane tasks. Of course, I can’t just up and leave. My online job is too important. But I still need to unwind every now and then lest I want to go crazy. So what do I do when boredom strikes? I look for a diversion. I stop for a while, read a few chapters of my favorite book or, since I’m already online, I visit social networking sites, check out forums or play online games like poker or bingo.
I guess the saying, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” still holds true, even when one is way past her youth. Yes, work is important. However, work is not the end-all and be-all of it. It won’t hurt to have fun once in a while especially when boredom strikes, right?

3 thoughts:
When you work from home it is very easy to feel isolated, because you don't socialize with people, I also work from home, but I do have to be online at certain times in the day, but I also do the same as you, I most of the time when I am bored I go online and play or read some forums, sometimes I put the tv on while I am working, in order to have some company.
My Mom plays Bongo a lot, sometimes almost everyday.
Ow I mean Bingo! She loves to play really she even set aside a budget and play everytime she got a chance
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