You all know (okay, I'm exaggerating!)...let me reword that...most of you know that my birthday is just a few days away.☺ Well, today, I received two simple surprises. First, my SIL gave me a pair of silver, heart-shaped earrings. They're kinda heavy because they're big loop earrings but I love them because I love heart-shaped things and silver jewelries. The second simple suprise is a phone call from my best friend, Jackie. I met Jackie about 7 years ago. We were both newbies then in the Accounting Department of an advertising agency. We became close before we rached our 1st year in the company and even after we left the company and went our separate ways, we managed to keep in touch. She called me up to remind me that my birthday was just 2 days away and she told me she wants to meet me soon. Yipee! A reunion with my bestfriend is in the offing! Well, those are the simple surprises I received today.☺

5 thoughts:
wow those are indeed wonderful surprises -manifestations of love and appreciation from your sister in law and bestfriend.
it's not yet your birthday but blessings are already abounding for you, i know that more graces are in store for you not only on your special day but for the rest of your life.
I have not meet up my best friend for many years.
my best friend is my classmate from junior school.
I am glad to find my best friend not blogging but she has social network :D
Its is nice to have friend who keeps in touch with you and still remembers your special day
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