The other day, I finished my articles early and blog hopped as fast as I can because I wanted to have ample time. Ample time for what, you might be asking. I needed ample time for singing. LOL! Seriously though, I wanted to finish early so I can sing. Singing is one of my frustrations. My mom says I can sing, but well, she’s my mom so I can’t take her word for it.
Anyhow, I guess appreciating music came at an early age. I remember that even when I can barely read and understand lyrics, I tried to memorize Paul Anka’s song, Times of Your Life, and sang along with it every time Daddy played his album. Long playing albums were still the “in” thing then. Now, people can just easily download music or audio files into their computers and they’re good to go. That’s actually what I often do. I often download tons of music files so I can listen to them while working and even copy some of them into my mobile phone. But of course, downloading music can take forever that’s why I’m trying to use music torrents to facilitate the transfer of files, even large ones, to my computer without the heavy demands on my computer. This reminds me that I have to go and search for other music torrents while I still have plenty of time left in my hands today.

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