This is it! It’s now or never!
Today marks the beginning of MY THOUGHTS, MY HEART, MY TURF’s 1st anniversary contest. I never thought I could last this long with my blogging. What started out as a platform for expressing all my pent-up feelings has turned into a much-loved career. This contest is to thank all the new friends I’ve met and made through this blog. ☺
Like I said yesterday, I’m not going to set or place strict rules for this contest. Joining the contest is easy-peasy. The mechanics are given below. Please take note, though, that following these mechanics IS A MUST.
Contest Mechanics:
1. Blog about the contest and enter the link to the post on the MckLinky Below. (45 points)
2. Please include the contest banner on your post. It doesn’t matter whether you place it before, within or after your post as long as it’s there. (additional 15 points)
3. Wear the contest badge anywhere in your blog, left or right side bar, as long as it’s on a readily visible spot. (20 points)

4. Subscribe to my feeds. Please confirm your subscription; otherwise you won’t be credited with any points. (10 points)
5. Be a follower of this blog. [The FOLLOWERS widget is near the bottom of this page] (10 points) *To those of you who are already following my blog, you get credited with points, too.*
6. Kindly copy the code below and include it in your post about the contest. (100 points)
**For items 4 through 5, you can provide the e-mail address you used to subscribe and username used to follow my blog here.**
6. Kindly copy the code below and include it in your post about the contest. (100 points)
**For items 4 through 5, you can provide the e-mail address you used to subscribe and username used to follow my blog here.**
See? I told you there won’t be regimented rules for the contest. But of course, since this contest will be based on POINTS SYSTEM, there are additional things you can do to gain more points. Remember, your accumulated points will determine for which drawing you would qualify for.
The contest will run from March 15th – April 15th so there’s enough time for you to pile those points up. How do you gain more points? I’ll keep you posted so stay tuned. ☺

65 thoughts:
I'm done Bambie 1-5 steps:
here's the link:
sis thanks for tell me will take part soon
tapos na ako sa requirements! ;)
oh my gosh, i must say ha. you are sooo organized with your contest. baket hindi namin naisip yung google docs na yan. bwahaha! sakit tuloy uli ko. heniways, nek tayms. salamat at may natutunan ako :D
this is exactly how contests should be done. nice work bambie!
sumali na ako sa contest mo :) nagawa ko na lahat.. eehehhe
Nice contest you have here... will join. be back later :)
Hi Ms.Bambie!
I joined your contest, Im the 7th, hope i get lucky! :)
wow!! Congrats!!
1. I blogged it :
2.Post your contest banner
3.grab your badge.. seen in the right side bar
4.I subscribed with my gmail ID. silgurl22 at gmail dot com
5.Already a follower at silvergurl22 at gmail dot com
Goodluck :)
hi sis! it's the first thing i checked when i opened my computer- i know you're launching your contest today. it was my goal to be the first to enter the contest.
Hi. Back and finished with all of the tasks listed above :) Congratulations on your blog's anniversary :)
I subscribe to your blog ( :
done deari :)
nagawa ko na din yung number 6.. thanks
hi sis.. thanks for informing ha.. im certainly joining! but try checking on the #6.. the codes for the link doesnt have the other ".. di mag aappear yun mga links ng sponsors mo :) i edited mine na lang :) but for others who will join.. baka di na nila iedit.. fix mo na lang :)
ay sori sis.. di ko pala inedit heheh mejo magulo pala heheh pa check na lang ha ;) tapos if updated na yun codes.. edit ko yun post ko :)
saka pala sis hindi mo sinama lahat ng links ng sponsors mo???
Na-post na rin!
1. Blogged: { daydream believer }
2. Banner included: { daydream believer }
3. Badge in blog: { daydream believer }
4. Subscribe via email: geneinthebattle[@]
5. Blog follower: Gene
6. Code copied in post in #1
hi sis! done adding the sponsor's list in my blog post.
Just wondering if only Cash/ad space & major EC sponsors get mentioned in the sponsors list?
I did above already
banner side bar and blogged contest with banner
subscribed sherrygo at rocketmail dot com
done with the blog post.
badge at my left side bar,here: Contest and Giveawaty craze
nafill up ko na rin un form.
Hi Sis! I also joined your contest:
1. I made a blog post about your contest:
2. I had also included your contest banner in my post:
3. I also placed your contest badge in my sidebar.
4. I had subscribed to your feeds:
5. I am already a follower of your nice blog.
6. I had copied your PRIMARY and SECONDARY code of SPONSORS in my blog post:
Thank you!
elo sis! yup its working na.. i was able to copy it before kaso yun nga the links were missing.. its much better now.. sent you a message through you contact form :)
Hi bams! pwede naman sumali sponsors di ba? i blogged about the contest na. added the link URL to the mcklinky...
also added the contest banner and the list of major sponsors in the post.
subscribe and confirmed na rin. di pa ako maka follow because Google Friend Connect is having some problems. will post the email address and the username in the link the you gave me once it's okay... :D
bams, i have a question, if i blog about the contest in multiple blogs and follow the mechanics, does that give me more points?
i placed the contest banner on my sidebar by the way.. hope you can see it on my Just About Anything blog.
Hi sis I've joined your contest!
I put the link I'm number 16.
I also included the banner and the badge is visible at the right side of my page.
I already send my email addresses.
And I copied the list of sponsors inside the post I made.
Thank you! Count me in!
Hi. Count me in.
I already blogged about the contest:
Posted the banner on the right side.
I subscribed using
Put the link, the number 17.
Copied the list of sponsors.
FOllowed your blog, with the name MHAYE.
Kindly check all my entries. If I did something worng, tell me so I can edit it immediately. Thanks :)
pasali din!!!
*blogged about the contest
*grabbed the contest badge
*followed u
goodluck & more power s contest mo...
subscribed and confirmed my subscription to ur feeds...
Hope u don't mind if I join ^_^
Post the contest here with banner-->
Badge on my sidebar
Feeds subscriber
Blog follower- Hyanne
Code included on post (list of sponsors)
Thanks a lot!
Hi.... wow Congrats ... count me in.... done
blogged it here
Your contest badge on my sidebar
Followed you ... vernz
Subscribed to your feed, signed the spreadsheet
Entered the contest link to Mcklinky ...
God Bless.
1. Submitted the link: Check
2.Contest Post and banner:Check
3.Contest Badge in my sidebar:Check
4.Feed Subscriber: Check
5.Follow the blog: Check
6. Copy/Paste the sponsors:Check
1. Created a post
2. Contest banner is included on the post
3. Contest badge is up at
4. Subscribed via email.
5. Followed this blog,
6. Copied and pasted the sponsors on my post.
did you get my comment? if not, here is a repeat...
blogged about this
included the contest banner
posted the contest badge on my sidebar at
copy and pasted the sponsors on my post
Hi. This is Jules of
I got a message from you regarding requirement 4 & 5, which I forgot to work on. I had already subscribed to your blog and followed this blog (also the secondary blog).
To Summarize:
1) Blogged about the contest : my-heart-my-turf-blog-anniversary-contest/ (MCKLINKY NO. 13)
2) Contest Banner Included
3) Badge Posted on my sidebar
4) Subscribed to your blog:
5) Followed this blog: username - jules67
6) Copied and pasted the sponsors on my post.
Thanks again and happy anniversary :) Have Fun!!!
Julie (jules)
I blogged about the contest here:
and your banner is my sidebar
i am also a subscriber and a follower
and i copyed and pasted the sponsors also
Hello sis will you change my name sa Points update mo? From to Deann. thanks :D
hello! how many winners will there be?
congrats Bambie! I'm joining:
1. contest blog
2. contest banner on my post
3. contest badge on my blog sidebar
4. subscribed - cza[dot]roman at yahoo[dot]com
5. blog follower - czaroma
6. copied the code and added in my post
hi sis, ask ko lang points system, means kung sino ang pinakamalaking points yun ba ang winner? LOL.
blogged 2nd entry
blogged 3rd entry
I blogged 4th entry
blogged 5th and 6th entry
banner side bar
blogged 7th entry here
banner side bar
banner side bar :D
Hi Bambie dear. I am joining your contest
- blog your contest
- subscribed to your feed
- follower of you
- had your contest badge
- paste your banner
- copy and paste the code
Hope I qualified. Congrats dear
blogged and banner side bar
Hi! Just completed the ff:
*contest banner - top of blog post
*contest badge - left side under "Bloggers' Giveaway"
*Subscribe to Email:
*Blog Follower: heartlocks19
*Placed sponsors on blog post
Congrats on Your Blog Anniversary!!!
Blogged about it:
Confirmed subscription at mjclaguitao@yahoodotcom
Followed steps 1-6. Following as Mys Laguitao
blogged and banner side bar
my second entry:
Simple pero Rock
blog post Simple contest but rocking prizes
Badge on my side bar.
PR3 na din pala ung isang blog. bale, 2 PR3 and isang PR2. ^^
Blogged contest, banner side bar
my 2nd entry at Drama Queen
the 3rd entry at busy reading...
then 4th entry at the food, the place and the bad trips
meron pang kasunod! haha
here's my 5th entry
hello there,bambie!nakapasok ba ako as sponsor?wala kasi ako sa lists eh.tanong lang po...
thanks so much sis, got it already and posted now.
Hi, this is jules67. Submitting my (2nd) entry for my other blog (I Want It This Way)
I have already subscribed and followed your blog on my first entry.
Thanks, happy anniversary again.
Thank you dear,posted them already--paki delete na lang yung isang link,na doble kasi.Goodluck sa contest!
Have a nice day!
Please e-mail me na lang the winners home address here:
added another blog. hehehe redamethyst 3
badge on the side bar
blogged and banner side bar
added antoher blog and the badge is on the side bar too
ay ano ba yan di marunong mag bilang. pang number 5 ko napala yun
I see linky is closed,
I also blogged and banner side bar
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