Every year, ever since I can remember, my family attends a huge convention. The convention is usually held near the end of the year and it’s a worldwide event. It’s somewhat related to our religion and it’s a yearly event. Since there are too many people there, all the attendees are asked to wear lapel badges. When I was younger, I hated wearing the lapel badge because for some reason, the safety pin that secures the badge to my dress almost always opens and pricks me. I don’t know why. I guess I just moved a lot then that’s why.
Now that I’m much older, I consider wearing the lapel badge a good way to meet new people. The badges we wear usually contain our name and where we’re from. So what I do is, when I see someone, I try to look at their own badge and check out where they’re from and I try to strike up a conversation using the information I gained. It never fails and I’ve met a lot of good friends over the years.
This December, we will be attending another one of those conventions and this time, I plan to buy a badge holder for myself. We’re given the badges months before the convention so I still have plenty of time to buy a holder. I can just slip the card inside the holder and I won’t have to worry about looking for safety pins that I can use to stick it to my dress. Also, I won’t have to worry about the pin snagging my dress since badge holders normally use a different kind of pin.
I think bookstores carry those holders and the next time I go to the mall, I would check out the available badge holders. Maybe I’ll even find a purple one. If I do, I would definitely buy it.

3 thoughts:
thats good idea purple is nice colour too
i love the color too...
nice color!
got an award for you http://www.chrischronicles.com/sweet-blog-award/
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