This is just a very short post.
I still have 1 1/2 articles the need to be finished ASAP. I'm just taking a breather because my head is starting to throb. I never imagined that writing articles about IcyCRM, AssistMedic, medical web forms and the like can be excruciatingly fun and hard at the same time. LOL!
But I'm not complaining. Especially after I read an e-mail from my client telling me that based on the first 3 articles I submitted to her, I obviously got her point (her demands on the technical articles). Positive feedback from my client never fail to fire me up and make me want to write some more!
Hopefully, I would be work-free tomorrow because I need to work on that prizes (EC credits, AD spaces) I promised for the non-winners of my just-concluded contest. I also plan to award one participant with special prizes. Gosh, I wish to accomplish that tomorrow.
'Til tomorrow then!

1 thoughts:
visiting you here, maybe you can join my giveaway too if your not busy,
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