Time surely flies when you’re having fun. I can pretty much attest to that fact. It seems like only yesterday when my nephew Keoni made his grand entrance to the world. I can’t believe it’s actually been three years since then.
When Keoni was born, the doctors told us he had a weak heart. They deduced that it was because of his birth weight. He came out weighing 11.22 pounds! We even had to leave him at the hospital after his mom was discharged because he had to undergo several tests. It was heartbreaking to see a tiny little boy with all those needles stuck to his legs.
Anyway, it was a good thing that the doctors were able to detect it right away and ever since he was given a clean bill of health, I can say that he’s at the pink of his health. Of course, we’re still monitoring his condition. So as much as possible, we don’t allow him to overdo himself. Keoni does engage in some physical activities but what’s great about him is that when we tell him to stop, he obliges.
Educational kids toys are what normally keeps him busy most of the time. His grandma (my mom) bought him a toy laptop that has lots of interactive features and currently, he’s starting to learn his upper and lower case letters. He also has several activity books, most of which feature his favorite characters like Mickey Mouse, Barney, Thomas the Tank Engine and The Backyardigans.
It’s amazing how much he’s absorbed through his educational toys. Children’s development nowadays is so overwhelming and I’m just so happy that Keoni is turning out to be one smart boy. Playing with his toy laptop has even taught him how to navigate my own laptop and on days when I’m not so busy, he asks if he can play interactive games there. Of course, I let him and boy, does he know how to use a real laptop! I can't help but smile and be amazed when I see him ably controlling the laptop's touch pad and knowing which icons to click on.

2 thoughts:
wow he is smart :D
Good to know that he's doing well know. Children are really amazing; they're small and yet they're strong.
Who knows, in a few years time, we'll get to read his blog, too =)
Flowing Rhythms
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