Yes, that's what I'm asking from the winners of the contest, as well as to the non-winners. I've been trying to contact some of the sponsors for the EC credits and other prizes and I'm still awaiting response. But there are a couple of sponsors who already sent the EC credits and PayPal funds to me so they are all there for safekeeping. As soon as I've rounded up all the prizes, I'll send everything to the winners ASAP.
I'm asking for your understanding. Please bear with me. Thanks!

9 thoughts:
It's nice that you always give updates regarding the prizes. at least di na magiisip ang mga winners di ba
sige kaya mo yan. hehe
no problem we can wait
I did not make it .... as I was lazy ahihihi ... been very Bambie during the time your contest was up,,, can't hardly open my blog .... Congrats you made it...
hey girl is ur email add really bamie18(@)yahoo(dot)com?
pls confirm ha.. bka kako bambie18.. anyways tell me asap so i can send in ur pp!
thanks too!!
It's okay sis! I understand it and I will patiently wait for it. ;-)
Hi Bambie, I've sent the 3,000 ECs as pledged...congrats on the success of ur contest! :)
nice work keep it up, i am from minute workers
hi its nice to see this type of blog am very much impressed by the content
Just wanted to ask which persons have won the 2 x CMF Spikes because they would have to sign up for an account & the admin of CMF Ads will transfer then the 1$ from my CMF Ads account to each of their accounts. With this amount the two members can buy ads or CMF Spikes...
The 6.000 ECs from my four blogs have been transferred to you ;)
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