If you’re running your own business and you happen to have several people at your employ, then you probably know how important it is to get business insurance. It could be for general liability or it could be in the form of compensation for your workers. The fact is, insurance, in whatever form it is, is very vital. It is something that’s mandatory and required by the law.
This reminds me of what almost happened to a close friend of mine. She lives in Alaska and it’s where she eventually found her life partner. Her husband didn’t want her to continue working in an office so he offered her a deal. He offered to finance a business of her choice if she promises to just stay at home and raise their family. She said yes to the deal and immediately worked on setting up her business without any idea that she badly needed Alaska business insurance. She wasn’t aware that there was insurance coverage that was area-specific.
Since she knew that I used to help my dad manage our family’s business, she contacted me and asked for help. I advised her to look for helpful tips at the website of Insurance Information Institute and true enough, she was able to get a clear understanding of what insurance coverage does and how it basically works, especially for someone who lives in Alaska. It was also a good thing that her husband came to her rescue and they immediately looked for a company and an agent that could help them out.

1 thoughts:
how about here in the Philippines Bambi? I have a business but I don't have that so-called business insurance :)
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