09 September 2010

1. From whom did you get your last e-mail? - One of my clients telling me he's about to submit the 12 articles I wrote for him (thank goodness! I'm getting paid!) and to get ready for more work (ugh!).

2. What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a theater? - Night at the Museum 2. LOL! Seriously. I'd rather watch DVDs at home. 

3. Have you ever seen a ghost? - Yes.

4. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? - Hell yes!

5. What are you most afraid of? - Growing old alone and miserable.

6. What do you do when you are bored? - When I'm not doing anything with my laptop, I'd be tinkering with my cell phone.

7. Other than the author of this mess of a meme, whose blog are you most curious to see their answers? - Bud's ☺

8. Name three thing from your bucket list. - 1) Travel alone; 2) Try skywalking; 3) Get married? LOL!

9. Who was the last person who complimented you on how you looked, that actually was a surprise? - My sister. Hahaha!

10. Do you remember Berleen? - No. But I do remember Berlin the group that sang Take My Breath Away. LOL!

11. What was the last concert that you attended where the band was much better than you imagined? - I don't attend concerts. Seriously.

12. What’s the next band you’re either planning to see or want to? - Please refer to # 11.☺

13. What were the last things do you imagine that Kimber threw off the roof? - A cat?!

5 thoughts:

Growing old and miserable would stink!

Have a great Thursday!



LOL..I loved your answer about Berleen and Berlin...And what an adventurous person you are with your bucket list, right on!


OMG! You have seen a ghost...when? Where?



Just wanna ask where do you write for. I have been trying to write something for someone that basically you can earn. Do you mind sharing? And what kind of articles were you writing then? THanks


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