16 September 2010

10. What number blog post is this for you? - 415th. I moved some of my older posts to my other blogs.

9. You are driving down a road and your GPS says turn right, but the road has a Dead End sign. You check your GPS and according to it's map, there is a road at the end of the Dead End road that you need to turn onto. Do you follow the GPS? - I don't drive so I don't need a GPS now, do I?.☺

8. If you had a $2 bill, would you spend it? - No! I'd frame it for posterity's sake.☺

7. When there is nobody else around and you sneeze or cough, do you cover your mouth? - Of course. You don't forgo good manners just because no one is around.

6. You are a DJ at a radio station and your first guest is Bud... what is the first question you are going to ask him? - How's the tequila Bud?☺

5. Have you ever stopped to help a stranger with a flat tire? - No. I don't even know how to drive so how the heck am I supposed to know how to change a flat tire?

4. You get on an airplane and you find that your seat neighbor is Kimber... what do you talk about or do you ignore her completely? - I don't know Kimber (I think) so I guess I'd devote my time on the book I'm reading. My mom said never to talk to strangers.

3. Have you ever rode an elephant? - No and I wouldn't dare dream to.

2. Time to bitch & moan! What is your biggest complaint about your current friends on Facebook? - It's not really a complain and I'm sure some of you would agree on this: I hope friends would ask permission first before they start tagging you for stuff which you're totally clueless about.

1. School is back in session for all little girls and boys now. What, in your life, changes when kids go back to school? - I don't have kids so...NOTHING!☺

4 thoughts:

well, a flat tire can be changed without knowing how to drive. I guess. LOL

My Thunks is posted if you'd like to stop by. By the way, I love "Sunshine". I used to call my daughter that all the time.


Gosh, I would hope you don't need the GPS :)

Have a great day!


The only thing strange in the question is about the $2 dollar bill...if speaking about US dollars, there is no 2 dollar bill.

It's great to know you more through this post.....


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