19 September 2010

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. At what time of your life were you happiest and why? - I guess when I was a kid. I mean life with no worries, who wouldn't be happy, right?

2. Where and when did you meet the love of your life? - As cheesy as it may sound, my family is my life and they are love of my life so I guess I can say I met them ever since I breathed my first.

3. Favourite item of clothing ever or most treasured possession? - Currently, my Old Navy denim shorts. When you live in the Philippines, shorts will definitely be your favorite item of clothing.

4. Must-have makeup or beauty item? - Lip and cheek tint.☺

5. What do you think is your worst vice or fault .. honestly? - Procrastination? LOL!

6. Would you tell your friend, if you knew her husband/wife was cheating on her/him? - I'm an honest friend so...yes. I don't buy that "what she doesn't know won't hurt her" crap.

7. What ambitions, wishes or desires, for your life, do you still hold close to your heart? - I still want to be able to write a book...or a novel.

8. Where do you see yourself five years from now? - Married, hopefully. LOL! But still doing what I love most - writing.

9. If you had the choice of any talent with the penalty that you would lose a talent in exchange, what would you want to gain, and what would you be willing to loose? - My only talent is writing, I think, and I can't afford to lose it even if I would gain some other talent in exchange.

10. Name three things that you do want completed in your life before retiring? - Buy or build my dream house, put up my own business(es) and go on a trip around the world with my loved ones.

11. Of all of the people out there who would have been your fantasy date? Date, not romance... - Awww...it's a toss between Channing Tatum and Chris Evans.

12. Google put another spell on you, you have just changed genders for 48 hours... what are you going to do with your 2 days? - I'd look for that mean girl in school, make her fall in love with me, then leave her after 2 days!

13. If you owned your own island, and got to make it your own country, what would you call it? And why? - I'd probably cross the bridge when I get there. I'm not really good at thinking up names.

14. If you rubbed the lamp and got 3 wishes, what would they be? - I'd wish for those 2 things I mentioned in # 10. That way, I wouldn't have to wait until I'm over 50 before I accomplish them.

15. What is your earliest memory of puberty? - Geez. I can't even remember when it officially began.

16. If you got banished to your Island alone and could only bring 5 things, what would they be? - My laptop, my cell phone, my pillows, my clothes and an airplane. LOL!

1 thoughts:

I've loved Old Navy denim in my life as well.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Join us for Monday Mayhem


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