25 September 2010

1. Who in your life do you think behaves and thinks the most like you do? - Aside from my parents from whom I take after in more ways than I can imagine, I'd have to say my nephew and one of my nieces. I can't think of a friend who behaves and thinks like me. I've always had friends who are opposites of what I am.

2. As a kid, were you ever wrongly accused (and punished, if it went that far) for something you didn't do? If so, what was it? What happened? - Never.

3. What about as an adult, were you ever wrongly accused for something you didn't do?? Do you think it's worse to be accused as a child or an adult? Why/why not? - I think I have been. I think it's worse when you're an adult because once you're of age, it goes without saying that you're already responsible for all your actions and decisions. So being wrongly accused of something is like a slap in the face because it's like questioning your ability and capacity as an adult to do things.

3. What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced? - A few months ago, there was a strong typhoon which hit the Philippines and unfortunately, the typhoon passed directly over Metro Manila. electricity was cut off (I think we went on without electricity for 2 days) and I was lying in bed in total darkness and I could hear the wind howling and the roofs of our neighbors' houses being ripped apart by the wind. Scary.

4. If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be and why? - The USA. So I can be with my parents, sister and my sister's family.

5. Instead of going to work Monday, if you could spend the entire day doing something else--any one or two things that you absolutely love doing--what would you do? - I work from home but I get the point so I have to say I'd rather go shopping or go to a theme park with my family.

6. What sites (other than meme sites) do you use most to help you post on your blog? - Geez...I can't really think of anything else other than paid-to-post sites because the stuff I post in my blogs are mostly my rants and raves as a woman. Oh, yeah, I post about some of the games I play in Facebook. 

7. Check out a post on your blog from six months ago (March 2010) and tell us what is different now about your blog and/or life? - 6 months ago, I was still using a free template but after my blog's anniversary, I decided to ask designing genius Kaye to give my blog a makeover. Also, March marked my 33rd year of existence on this earth. LOL! What else? Most of my posts in March of this year centered around the contest I held for my blog's anniversary so I guess what's different now is that I'm under less stress.☺

8. What was the last photograph you took? - I took 3 pictures: my black purse, black ring and black leather bracelet. Had to take the pictures for a meme I join every Thursday. 

9. Which fashion trend do you believe is the most horrendous and why? - Probably the grunge look. I'm not such a big fan of unkempt looking clothes and make-up. I guess my fashion sense only borders along sleek and classic.

2 thoughts:

I remember hearing about that awful typhoon.

Have a great Saturday!


I hate typhoons good thing we dont have it here in Davao mine is up and its here thanks http://annebianca.com/2010/09/saturday-9-19-just-like-me.html


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