23 September 2010

1. We are changing your name. You have no choice. You get to pick it, but we must approve it. You must have a good reason. Ok, what is the name and reason? - Princess. Because I am one. LOL!☺

2. I say Shotgun, you say? - Duck!

3. We are sending you away. Africa or Mexico? - Mexico.☺

4. When you're home alone, do you still close the door when you use the restroom? - No. 

5. Berleen told me that I have to ask a mean question. Tell us about a horrible memory. - I can sum it up in 2 words: my ex-boyfriend. Oh, is that 2 or words?

6. What are your plans for October? - Throw a welcome home party for my parents, visit relatives and shop til I drop.☺ 

7. Is there anyone that you regret ever meeting ? - Please refer to # 5.☺ 

8. You have 3 months left to live, what do you do? - Do everything in my bucket list.

9. You wake up in an unfamiliar place, what is your first reaction? - Look at my ring finger to check if I'm wearing a cheap wedding band. Need to make sure I wasn't drugged and dragged all the way to Vegas.
10. Your phone rings at 4am, just before you kill this person, who do you expect it would be? - Jc, a guy friend.

11. You're having a bad day, what one thing can make your day better? - Sleep? Yeah, I think I'll sleep the bad day through and hope that when I wake up, things would be better.

12. You are doing a meme written by the blogosphere's shadiest character. Is there anything else that you should be doing right now? - Hell no! I've waited the whole week for this!☺ 

13. If money were not a problem, (and it never is, right? Yes, I stole this f$%*ing question. Sue me.) where would you like to live? - My own city. Screw that. MY OWN COUNTRY, with my own set of rules and each city named after my loved ones.

4 thoughts:

I love #12...the answer is super! And number 13, I like the thought of naming streets/building/parks after loved ones.

Here's the link to Mine...Have a great Thursday!!!


I want my own country too! Hell ya! A nice little island somewhere. I might have to change my answer ;)

Stopping by from Thursday Thunks


Duck- good answer!

Have a great Thursday!


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