The weekend's almost over. I wish it was longer. I wish there were 3 weekend days instead of 2. Gee. I wish everyday was a weekend! LOL! Well, I have to go out in the battlefield again tomorrow. My client sent me a new project brief yesterday and although I thought of starting work on the articles, I decided to give myself 2 days off instead.
I think I deserved to rest especially since I haven't been feeling all that well. My head has been aching since last night and it's still there although I've taken some pills already. I hope my insomnia won't kick in tonight and it'll just let me sleep early. I've to gather my wits if I want to be productive tomorrow.
Oh, by the way, has any of you heard of Fribiz already? I received an invite earlier from a YM contact and she was inviting me to join the site. According to her e-mail, Fribiz is an online game that gives you the opportunity to win cool items by leveraging your social network. Hmm. Sounds interesting. I haven't looked into it yet because I was busy playing Facebook games. LOL! If any of you have registered for the site already, please share your thoughts about the site. Thanks!☺

2 thoughts:
hi, thanks for dropping by at my site, to answer your question, I posted about it here last week. heheh
i have the same wish! :) sana mas mahaba ang weekend so we can really get to rest well and have fun!
take care sis and i hope you get to have enough sleep during the last few days.
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