17 June 2010

1. Have you ever wondered why snakes can't slither backwards? - No. I really don't care much about snakes. Period.

2. Is divorce contagious? - I don't think so. But if you think it is, save yourself from contracting the "disease" - DON'T GET MARRIED!

3. Do you enjoy hiking? - Kill me but I'm not much of a nature tripper.

4. Is there a color of a shirt a man should just never wear? - Green. Why? Because I don't like the color much.

5. Have you read a news story this week that just made your blood boil? - I live in the Philippines. Everything in the news is enough to make everyone's blood boil.

6. Do you keep old business cards or name tags from companies you have worked for? - Nah. Once I leave a company, there's no looking back.

7. If you could save an endangered species, which one would it be? - Turtles. I really don't know why, they're just the first ones that came to mind. I guess I'm thinking that they're needed to balance out the ecosystem so it would be great to save them.

8. When is it warm enough outside for you to start wearing shorts? - Everyday is warm enough in the Philippines so whether I'm going to the mall or running errands, I wear shorts.

9. Have you ever broken a window? - Not accidentally. I had to break it so I can go inside the house because I left my house keys inside and my dear brother decided to go out of town on a whim and locked the house with his set of keys.

10. Do dogs in your neighborhood howl when they hear sirens from police cars or fire trucks? - They do. In fact, they howl for no particular reason at all. It makes me think they're just out there to annoy me.

11. Have you tried doing something as an adult that you used to be able to do as a kid? - Yup...sleep in almost everyday. LOL! Even if I set my alarm, I always wake up late out of want.

4 thoughts:

I like the term "nature tripper".

Come join me and read my Thursday post of you can. It's HERE


Good advice about not getting married :)

Have a great Thursday!


i thought it's nature stripper...heheh,

pero ang taray ng mga sagot mo.


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