It's Sunday once again so it's time for Sunday Stealing. As the title suggests, today's stolen meme will be asking me questions and I hope I can answer all of them.☺
1. It's 2AM and you are not home. You are more than likely: - With my friends or family☺
2. What's the last thing you spent more than $100 on? - My latest expensive purchase was a new cell phone.
3. What do your bank checks look like? - Believe it or not, I don't use checks.
4. Where did the shirt you are currently wearing come from? - I bought it a long time ago. It's a No Boundaries tank top.
5. Name something that will be on your Christmas wish list: - A new laptop and hopefully a new cell phone (again).
6. What color is your toothbrush? - Pink and white.
7. Name something you collect and tell us about it. - I collect anything purple. It could be shoes, clothes, shirts, purses, even teddy bears. As long as I find something nice and it happens to be in purple, I buy it.
8. Last restaurant you ate at. Who were you with? How was it? - It was a Chinese restaurant. I was by myself because my housemates were on vacation. I loved their food!
9. Who was the last person you bought a birthday card for? - Can't remember.
10. What is your worst bad habit? - Procrastination (sometimes).
11. Name a magazine you subscribe to? - Cosmopolitan, OK! and a local entertainment magazine.
12. Your favorite pizza toppings? - Cheese and pepperoni.
13. Whose number were you looking up the last time you used a phone book? - I was looking for the number of my favorite Japanese restaurant to ask if they were open for the holidays.
14. Other than family, who is the person that you love most? - My bestfriend.
15. What is the last thing you cooked? - Just put together left-overs and cooked my own version of fried rice. It had shrimps, eggs and Spam.
16. Name something you wouldn't want to buy used? - Undies.☺
17. Which shoe do you put on first? - Hmmm. This threw me offguard. It made me think...I think I put on my left shoe first.
18. What is the last thing you remember losing? - My other cell phone's USB cable.
19. What is the ugliest piece of furniture in your house? - Our TV rack. LOL!
20. Last thing you bought and ended up returning? - Nothing. I never buy anything that I would have to return later on.
21. What perfume/cologne do you wear? If none, why? - I use several, depending on my mood. The one I use the most is Truly Me by American Girl for Bath and Body Works.
22. Your favorite board game? - Monopoly.☺
23. What was the last board game you played? - Pictionary.
24. Where did your vehicle come from? - I don't own one. What we have is a family car which my brother bought.
25. If a movie was made about your life what would the theme song be? - On my own.
26. You're sad, who can cheer you up easily? - My nephew Keoni.
27. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to? - Green.
28. What house cleaning chore do you hate to do the most? - Dusting furniture because I'm allergic to dust!
29. What is your favorite way to eat chicken? - I remove the skin first to eat later on. I never use my hands to eat chicken. I always use my fork and spoon to eat it.
30. It is your birthday. You hope the cake is? - Huge. Delicious. Chocolate.

♥♥♥ Sunshine Loves:♥♥♥

4 thoughts:
My daughter likes to get a new cell phone every 6 months. Thanks goodness she works.
hehe.. I like monopoly when I am 8 yrs old.
uyy, I miss this meme. nice knowing you here again
thanks Bambie, I owe you one. Add this too. :)
btw, I won't buy a used undies too. LOL..
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