09 June 2010

I was sitting here trying to construct sentences and paragraphs about "bed in a bag" sets when I realized that I'm not part of any Wednesday memes. LOL! Yep,that's me alright. I work and I blog hop and I write blog posts...and I said I didn't know how to juggle!

I went over the memes I have joined and I saw that I have joined at least 2 memes for each of these days: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. There's a meme I try to join every Friday but the thing is sometimes the theme for the week isn't posted yet when I visit the site until I totally forget about it.
I do know that there's a meme every Wednesday but I'm not sure if I'm ready to join it. It's pretty obvious how much of a blabber-mouth I am and keeping silent for one day would prove to be too much. LOL! 

Oh well.☺

4 thoughts:

go on, sis! join a Wednesday meme but I don't suggest wordless wednesday for you, LOL. or you can start your own meme for wednesday ;)


You may join my wife's Nostalgia meme, it is on Thursdays but she actually post hers on Wednesday. We'd love to have you join.


how about wordless wedneday?

meron din atang watery wednesday eh. hehehe


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