13 June 2010

How time flies. It's Sunday again so here's another dose of Sunday Stealing. According to the host, today's meme was ripped off from Amid Life's Questions.

Sunday Stealing: The Dark Side Meme

1. You’re building your dream house. What’s the one thing that this house absolutely, positively MUST HAVE? (other than the obvious basics of course) - A veranda or terrace and a trellis. Think Romeo and Juliet. LOL!

2. What is your dream car? - Since I don't drive, I don't have any preference. But it has to be roomy with leather interiors.

3. What is your favorite website that isn’t a blog? - Facebook?☺

4. iPhone 4 or Droid, which do you want? - iPhone 4...although I'm using a Blackberry and a Nokia.

5. When you’re feeling down or lonely or just generally out of sorts, what do you do to cheer yourself up? - I write. I vent out through writing and after I do, I always find myself feeling a lot better.

6. Tell me about something or someone that you love that most people seem to hate. - That would have to be my ex whom everybody in my family hated but I loved him. But I soon realized that everybody was justified with their indifference towards the guy.

7. What do you want to be when you grow up? - Hah! I am grown up...or so I think. Happy.

8. Would you go on a reality show if given the chance? - Nah. I don't intend to make a circus out of my life.

9. Who was your favorite teacher when you were growing up. (Grade school, Middle School, Jr. High or High School only.) - Never had a favorite because all my teachers were intimidated by me. I guess that's cause I always stood up for what's right and I had a habit of challenging them.Oh, but I won't forget my Grammar teacher in my senior year of high school because she said I had the makings of a good writer.

10. You get one pass to do something illegal or immoral. What are you gonna do? - Travel around the world without securing a visa and with my expired passport.

11. What were you doing 10 years ago? - I was working for an advertising agency, was in a relationship and was simply enjoying life.

12. By this time next year, I ...wish to have found the one.

13. Do you think the United States will elect a female President in your lifetime? Do you think this would be a good thing? - I live in a country where the outgoing President is a female. My advice to the people of the United States? Don't ever elect a female President.

14. Which fictional, TV show character you would shag anytime? - Oh gosh. Damon Salvatorre of The Vampire Diaries.

15. What is your greatest pet peeve? - Arrogant and stupid people.

16. Tell me about your most recent trip of more than 100 miles? - It was an out-of-town trip last December. It was fun inasmuch as I needed the short vacation but I didn't enjoy to the hilt because I was in the company of my SIL's family. Don't get me wrong, they were all kind. But I would've enjoyed more if I was with my relatives.

17. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? - Dictionary, I guess. I have an application on my cell phone so it's easier to access.

18. Do you have a nickname? What is it? - Yup. It's Bambie.

19. What are you dreading at the moment? - I'm thinking I may not be able to deliver my articles on time. But I will. I have to.

20. Do you worry that others will judge you from reading some of your answers? - Don't people always do that? You can't please everybody.

21. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship. - He cheated.

22. What were you doing this morning at 8am? - Sleeping!

23. Do you have any famous relatives? - Mom says we have a distant relative who once was a president of our country.

24. How many different beverages have you drank today? - 2. Coffee and water.

25. What is something you are excited about? - Getting this blog's PR back again. Lost it after my domain name change.

26. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group? - Can't remember. Uhm...4 years ago I think.

27. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? - Gee, I need to lose weight...lots of them!

28. What were you doing at midnight last night? - Watching a sitcom.

29. What’s a word that you say a lot? - Uhm...it would have to be "Oh no!"

30. Who is your worst enemy? - Myself.

4 thoughts:

Your advice to US people was funny.

Have a great Sunday!

Join us for Monday Mayhem


thanks for sharing,. i love fb too, and im looking forward to iphone 4g release..


Interesting! Glad I stumbled onto your blog.


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