In a few hours, my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and I will be leaving for the province. The trip usually just takes 4 hours, but who knows how long it'll take with the traffic and all, right? Hopefully, traffic won't be that bad. Metro Manila is known for bad traffic conditions and I just hope the powers that be would cooperate and make our trip smooth-sailing.
I'm not really big on road trips since I'd much rather spend my time in front of my computer and work (okay, work and have fun at the same time!). However, I just realized that I've been anticipating this trip. I've packed my bags last night, woke up very early to work on articles 21 through 25, promptly submitted them to my client so I'm just chillaxing now.☺
I really need this short vacation because I know that next week, I'm off to face hundreds of articles again. Thankfully, my client is very considerate. I'll just shoot him an e-mail upon my return on the 26th or 27th so he can provide me with the keywords I need for my next batch of articles. He even gave me a Christmas bonus for the finely written articles I turned over to him.☺
Oh well, I'm blabbering. That goes to show how excited I am. I'm going to miss blogolandia for a few days. I hope it misses me too!☺

3 thoughts:
Merry Christmas Bambie! See you around. :)
Yes, we in bloglandia miss you too during these holidays, but I hope it will be a special one for you.
Merry Christmas
blogosphere did miss you ahahah
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