I just realized, as I sit here in front of my laptop and staring at a blank page with the cursor blinking, that I lack INSPIRATION. I've looked high and low and elsewhere that I possibly can but I just can't find it. That's the reason why I can't come up with any decent posts as of late. I guess the events from days past have finally taken their toll on me. They're catching up on me like crazy and now, my mind is just God-awfully, totally, completely blank! I've got tons of assignments that need to be done (thank goodness they're not due any time soon!) but I can't sit down and work on them because my brain's all clogged up.
I need to unwind. I want to unwind. Probably Hopefully, a vacation, even just an overnight one, will do the trick. I think I need a change of scenery. I've been cooped up at home too long that I've gotten cobwebs on my brain. It seems that a good night's sleep isn't enough for my brains to clean away synaptic proteins which built up during the entire day so my brain can have a fresh start the next day. LOL!
Seriously...I need inspiration and I'm thinking that I'd get some if I leave the house and go on a road trip. Now the only problem is, when and how? Our family business won't be closing for the holidays, that's how strict the owner of the mall is, where our business is located - they only close shop twice a year, 1 day during the Holy Week and on New Year's day - so I don't think we can go anywhere, not even to my sis-in-law's province. But I'm still hoping...

3 thoughts:
hi sis! we all need a break from the daily grind of life. i hope you can take a vacation even for a day, so you can recharge and relax!
Hi Sunshine! I wanna go for a vacay too! I hope to go on one soon cause all the work and stress is bringing me down as well.. hugs! :)
I hope you will get the break you want this holiday season. a quick break or an overnight affair will be good enough.
have a nice weekend.
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