Hi! I just wanted to assure you guys that I have gone over the comments you left on my blog, especially the comments pertaining to the contest. It's just that I was uber busy today that I didn't have time to tally the points. I'll try to do it tomorrow but if I still am loaded up to here with work tomorrow, I'll do it over the weekend. Suffice it to say I'll keep you guys posted. So don't worry if you see that you're comments are still under moderation. I have not gone AWOL.
It's just that I am dealing with so much right now, especially on a personal level and I feel that this time, multitasking is impossible even for me. I hope you understand.

5 thoughts:
hi, you need not worry, i do understand how tedious the task at you hand right now.
oh you are super busy, then take your time :D
I understand so no worry, just do it when you are free. :D
I don't know if you get my earlier comment on my blogs, so I left again, if it is same pls delete it. its at contest post. :D
Ah that is why :)
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