I recently had a chit chat over the phone with an old classmate. She was my classmate from 5th Grade to 2nd year highschool and since the last time we saw each other was back in 1993, we had a lot to catch up on. We actually got in touch again through Facebook and I'm so glad that we have reopened our lines of communication.
Anyway, she's now happily married and living in the USA with her husband and kids. She happily shared with me that she's a WAHM, helping her husband manage the family business. They're into designing. Well actually, they design logos and their area of expertise is Aviation and Marine logo designs. She told me that the business is doing quite well especially since they offer affordable prices. I would’ve recommended more clients to her except that the people I know live oceans away from her.
So now that I’m aware about her line of business, I’m considering contacting my friends and some of my relatives who live in the USA so they can bring their logo concerns to her. I know she doesn’t need it as her business is thriving but I still want to help her in any way I can.

3 thoughts:
is good to have family business, so sad my dear don't have so he is working 24/7 for his employer.
such a good friend..:-) good luck on your friends business...
Facebook do the trick in searching for long lost kalaro and crushes lol!
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