As you all know, today is the last day of my blog contest. I can say that it was successful but I still owe the sponsors their much deserved blog reviews. I’d get to that in the coming weeks, scout’s honor. LOL!
All in all, there were 88 blogs entered. Those blogs were owned and managed by 35 people. Why am I saying this? Well, as I said from the get-go, the contest will be based on points. These are points accumulated through the various tasks involved. I posted a weekly update of the points so entrants can take a look-see as to how they were doing. What I generally did was to add up the points PER BLOG OWNER. So, let’s say Blogger A has 3 blogs, I’ll add all the points she acquired through her blogs and the sum total will be her number of points. Simple.
Now for the drawing, which I will be working on tomorrow or on Sunday, this is what I’m going to do:
1) All entrants who scored more than 1000 points will qualify for the drawing of the Grand Prize Winner.
2) All entrants who scored between 500 to 900 points qualify for the Second Prize drawing.
3) All other entrants (those who scored lower than 500 points) are entitled for the drawing of the Third Prize.
After I have figured out who the 3 winners are out of the 35 entrants (with a little help from RANDOM.ORG), the rest of the entrants, all 32 of them will get their due.
I decided to randomly choose the winners tomorrow to allow ample time for entrants to post their last minute entries (reviews, comments, etc.). The MCKLinky is now closed but if you still wish to enter a blog of yours, you may just leave a message through my contact form with a link to all the requirements you were able to accomplish. If you're only joining today, the last day of the contest, you can find the list of requirements HERE.
I still haven't gotten around to posting the prizes at stake. I'm reserving that for tomorrow. Nothing grand is up except for a blog makeover, make-up goodies, a GC to a digi-scrapbooking site and a 20-page photobook aside from cash, EC credits, AD spaces and Adgitize advertising.☺

1 thoughts:
can't wait to see who wins.
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