When I was still working for an advertising agency, people in the Accounting Department (to which I belonged) knew me as the girl with the very messy desk. Sad, but true. LOL! My desk was messy in an organized sort of way. Huh? Well, it was messy but the mess was divided per task. Meaning to say one side of my desk was filled with invoices, bills, ledgers and books of account because that side is mainly for projects "to be billed". Then there's a side that's filled with binders, folders, files and other paperwork because that side is for reports and stuff. Then I have a small box on my desk that's filled with unused consumables - my supplies. All the items in their corresponding sides are haphazardly piled up. That's why it was messy. Of course, I did organize my desk from time to time. But the thing is, once my desk is all neat and tidy, I get lost. I can't find my way around my desk and worse, it decreased my productivity for the day because I had to spend more time looking for something unlike when it was messy and I always knew where to find something.
That's why when I learned of this Contest: Organized or Messy Desk - Which is Better?, I had to do a double-take and read through the article.The main idea behind the contest is to settle the score once and for all. Messy Desk vs. Organized Desk, which is better? Which yields better production? The debate is on! Let's get it on! What's the price at stake? An MDV3BA Pro Series Vacuum made by Metro Data Vac which has a retail value of $272.50. Pretty cool huh? How do you win the contest? You just need to write a blog post explaining why you think having a desk that's organized or a messy one is better. Simple write? For more details, go click on this link Contest: Organized or Messy Desk - Which is Better?

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