This is just a quick stopover. LOL!
I'm actually still working and I just dropped by to inform all of you that instead of April 15th, the contest will run until the 30th. I decided to extend it to allow participants to write reviews for the sponsors. Yes, there are still a lot of sponsors in need of great reviews so if you want to write one for them, please refer to this spreadsheet to find open slots. Actually, even if you see a name beside the sponsor's blog but you still want to write your own review for it, feel free to do so. Just don't forget to leave a comment here to let me know so that I can check it and assign you points. Incidentally, you may also write a review about this blog or my other blog or BOTH if you wish.☺
I was going to post this, or rather write about this latest update last night but just when I was about to do so, I received a notice from Bloggerwave. Apparently, they've approved my blog and I can start writing sponsored posts for them. But guess what? I registered my blog there in October of 2009! It roughly took 6 months before I got approved. Anyway, that's fine. I already submitted my first opp and it got approved. So, all's well that ends well.
Well, I gotta run. Good night everyone...or good morning, depending on which part of the globe you reside.☺

6 thoughts:
congrats on your new online gig! :-)
hi sis! busy as a bee tayo ha. well, congrats on being approved by bloggerwave! i hope you'll get a lot of writing opportunities from them. take care.
Wow your contest is extended! menas more time to review blogs :)
Bloggerwave, does it have a referral program? if it does please place it here in your site, I would love to register on this one and hope the will accet my blog too.
I think this give them chance to improve to write blog review :D
yeah good to extend the contest :D
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