21 January 2011

Got tagged for this award by Liz and Lee.☻ It's actually been a long time since I last received an award and this is surely one awesome way to start my year (er, it is still January so we're still at the start of the year).

Thank you so much Liz! You're one terrific friend and I'm sure you know what I mean. You've helped me in so many ways. Lee, thank you! This was something unexpected but very much appreciated.☻

Rules for receiving this award:
1. Thank and link back the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 great bloggers you know. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

Seven things about myself:

1) I'm scared of cats. Dogs are cool, cats terrify me.
2) I don't know how to ride a bike.
3) I don't have any vices. Oh wait, is shopping a vice?
4) For someone who's named Sunshine, the sun is the bane of my existence. LOL!
5) Lately, I'd rather sit in front of my Purbly than watch TV or movies. Except when there's a good basketball game or tennis match.
6) I have a kind heart and I'm helpful. Really, I do. LOL! Not too many people know that. They assume otherwise.
7) I'm the queen of procrastination. But I'm trying to remedy that now.

Now I'm supposed to tag 15 other bloggers for the same award. I'll try my best to come up with 15 but just in case I don't feel free to tag yourself for the rest of the open slots.☻

1) Mommy Rubz
2) Red
3) Vera
4) Mhel
5) Eihdra
6) Grace

Slots 7 through 15 are free.☻ Have fun grabbing!

2 thoughts:

aww. thanks for the award. will be posting this soon. I want to be active in blogging again! hehehe


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