22 January 2011

I think I've mentioned a couple of times already in this blog that I usually suffer from allergic rhinitis. I've had an on again, off again relationship with allergic rhinitis for as long as I can remember and I've grown accustomed to it that I don't really take anything to relieve myself of the symptoms.

However I had no choice but to take antihistamines early this morning because I had to work...work on a Saturday. One of my clients sent me a project brief yesterday and although she gave me 5-6 days to complete the assignment, I decided to work on it because I will be starting work for a new client on Monday. Anyway, I couldn't work continuously because I suddenly started sneezing my guts out and my eyes got watery so I succumbed to the pressure of taking antihistamines. LOL!

Each tiny capsule was 25mg and I took 2. I figured, the packaging says the pills are non-drowsy so I won't have to worry about dozing off on my job.Why 2? Because I don't trust antihistamines too much. I've tried so many and very few of them seemed to work! So anyway, a few minutes after I took the pills, my eyes started to feel heavy and I could barely keep them open! I still tried to work but I started seeing double. LOL! 

Now I know better. I should not be judging all antihistamines based on a few that didn't work.☻ 

1 thoughts:

A double dose of antihistamine is not really advisable on many doctors because there is central nervous system side effects that could trigger your condition even if it's allergic rhinitis. That is the reason why the drug needs to be purchased with prescription as far as I know. One of its side effects is drowsiness. You can take 1 capsule when it is needed. One brand I've known is Benadryl which proven to be effective.



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