18 January 2011

I have said time and again that if there’s one continent I want to retire to apart from Asia, of course, it would have to be Europe. When I hear “Europe”, I instantly think about romance. Call me a hopeless romantic. I won’t argue with you because that’s a fact. But of course, before I do decide to settle down in a European country, I would need to get a feel of the place first. With that said, I would need to take a vacation or a short trip to my country of choice.

I want a place where I’d see snow-capped mountains, crystal lakes and mountain springs. Sounds like Austria, right? Just the name of the place is enough to send me to a “Sound of Music” phase. I wonder how much austria holidays cost? I heard that there are lots of park holidays in Austria and I’m sure my small family would love to spend time there.

Of course, being that an Austria holiday would be a whole new experience for me, I would need to plan properly and start looking for affordable holiday packages the soonest possible time. I just hope there are cheap packages being offered for Austria. I can already hear myself singing a la Julie Andrews, “The hills are alive with the sound of music!”

1 thoughts:

austria is not really on my list of must-see. not yet. but now that you mentioned, well, i'll check the must-see places there. who knows i might be able to visit it someday, right?



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