Cheers to all of us thieves!
23. Do you rent movies often? - No but we buy DVDs regularly or download movies from the internet. LOL!
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? - Yep, my cellphones metal casing.
25. How many countries have you visited? - Just 2: USA and Hong Kong.
26. Have you made a prank phone call? - Yes! >:)
27. Ever been on a train? - Yes.☺
28. Brown or white eggs? - White.
29. Do you have a cell-phone? - Yes. Can't live without one.
30. Do you use Chap Stick? - Sometimes. My lips don't really get too dry.
31. Do you own a gun? - No.
32. Can you use chop sticks? - Yes but I'm no expert.
33. Who are you going to be with tonight? - My family.☺
34. Are you too forgiving? - No.
35. Ever been in love? - Oh yes.
36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow (or the next soonest week day)? - I have no idea. Working I guess.
37. Ever have cream puffs? - Of course! In fact, I have a bunch beside me right now. Mini cream puffs.
38. Last time you cried? - A few minutes ago over a TV show. Couldn't help it, it was touching.
39. What was the last question you asked? - Are you hungry? (To my 3 year old nephew)
40. Favorite time of the year? - Rainy season (here in the Philippines) because of the cool weather.
41. Do you have any tattoos? - No.☺
42. Are you sarcastic? - I could be when I want to.
43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? - That's with Ashton Kutcher, right? Yes.
44. Ever walked into a wall? - Oh yes! Dang!

3 thoughts:
I hate when TV shows do that to me.
Have a great Sunday.
Join us for Monday Mayhem
Joined sunday stealing this week too. humabol pa. hehehe
Do you get the mini cream puffs from Costco? They are the BEST. So are the mini eclairs.
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