03 July 2010

The project brief I was waiting for came to my inbox late last Wednesday. It contained 3 spreadsheets (July to September), all of which are filled with products that I have to write descriptions (more or less 200 words each) for. What type of products? Bikinis. LOL! Seriously, it's for an Italian website which sells Brazilian bikinis. The deadline was set for 7th July, except for the July spreadsheet which I worked on last Thursday until Friday afternoon. It was the most toxic since I had to work on about 17 bikini descriptions which required 2 more versions. So I'm guessing that was more than 50 descriptions I slaved on.

I just have to recharge after that so I took this day off. It's a Saturday anyway. Only problem is, I got bored. So I decided to visit Blogthings while doing my usual rounds of bloghopping. I took 2 quizzes entitled "What Color is Your Birthday?" and "How Rare is Your Personality?" and although I disagree with the color result for my birthday (was hoping it was purple!), I have to agree with the explanation it provided.

Your Birthday is Pink

You are the dreamy type. You can't help but be an idealist, even if your dreams get crushed from time to time.

You have a vision of how the world should be. You work hard to make life easier and better for people.

You are generous. In fact, you give until it hurts and expect nothing in return.

You are sometimes disappointed. It's discouraging to have such high hopes when things don't work out.

Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP)

Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm.

Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men

You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.

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