17 July 2010

1. Tell us about the last time that you got hurt in the arena of love. - That's fresh. Just last March. Found out my "then" guy fathered a baby who was already 3 months old that time. Argh! Where was I? Why didn't I see the signs?

2. Have you ever been part of the wedding party, other than your own? - Yup. I was a bridesmaid during my guy cousin's wedding and I was the maid of honor during my brother's wedding.

3. Let's say you find yourself in Hell after you die. Think about everyone you've known in your life. Who would be the one person that would least likely to surprise you by being in Hell with you? - My ex. The same guy I mentioned in #1.

4. What brings you good luck? - I honestly don't know. I've never believed in pure luck.

5. Do you have a photo blog? If so, feel free to share the link with us! - None. I want to start one but I don't really take good pictures.

6. What is your biggest source of news? (Internet? Newspaper? Television? Radio? The Daily Show? Other?) - Internet, TV.

7. What's the hottest you've ever been in your life? - Hot in what sense? LOL!  

8. If you had to choose a theme song for your blog, which would would you choose and why? - Whitney Houston's Try It On My Own. There's a line there that goes, "I live my life the way I feel, no matter what I'll keep it real." That's me and that's what I want to show others...I am me, no pretentions.

9. Who was the last person you had an online conversation with that you've never met or talked to on your phone? - A fellow blogger, Pehpot, through Yahoo messenger.

2 thoughts:

What a DB!!! (your ex) Good thing you're not stuck with him.

Have a great Saturday!


aww. missed joining this meme this week.
dapat di ka na masurprise na makita mo un ex mo sa hell. heheh. joke lang.


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