In my never ending qust to look for online money-making opportunities that involve writing, I came across a very good site. As you all probably know, I work as a freelance writer and since being one leaves me with some spare time on my hands to accomplish other things, I always, as in always, look for ways to earn a little extra here and there while doing one of the things I love the most - WRITING.
Well, fortunately, in my wanderings, I came across ShortTask. The name speaks for itself - ShortTask is a website catering to the needs of Seekers (people who are looking for other people to work for them on, yes, short tasks) and Solvers (people like me who always look for work at home jobs).
There are various tasks that one can accomplish at ShortTask including reviews, bookmarking, article writing, commenting. Tasks which are highly applicable to people constantly seeking for work at home jobs. This is also perfect for work-at-home moms.
So if you know you have a knack for writing or any of the stuff I mentioned above, come and join me at ShortTask and start earning extra money from simple work at home jobs.

5 thoughts:
Thanks for dropping by Grampys place.
WOW! I also read about this from Mariuca. Have you tried na Ate Bambie? Sympre, go ako dito, open to all opportunities at gustong itry lahat! Hehe!
hi! thanks for sharing this info, will check this site.
btw sis! i click on the link for your other blog, i was about to read your post and i was directed to another site. i tried it twice the same thing happened.
Have added your link at this side do reciprocate similarly,
wow. thank you for this wonderful information. I would try this as soon as magkaroon na ako ng sariling net sa bahay.
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