I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Unfortunately for me, my parents thought guitar playing was boys only so I had to settle for piano lessons. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed every bit of my piano lessons. It’s just that I thought playing the guitar was way cooler. But being the good daughter I was (or so I think!), I never insisted on that.
So you can just imagine my joy when, just a few days back, I came across one site offering easy guitar lessons on DVD. Of course, before I do decide to purchase it, I have to consider some things first. Like what are the benefits of learning to play the guitar with DVDs? So I researched some and here’s what I found out:
1.) It is a lot cheaper than having to pay someone for lessons. I’m gauging that those who offer guitar lessons charge per session so that could anywhere be between $ 5 - $ 15.00 whereas a one-time purchase of the DVD would save me a lot of money.
2.) It would be very convenient for me. I don’t have to leave the house to attend my lessons.
3.) The lessons are provided or taught by a very efficient, quality instructor. I’ve seen clips of the video and a qualified instructor actually shows the student how it’s done and explains what he’s doing.
Those are three of the benefits of learning to play the guitar with DVDs. Best of all, you can freeze a certain frame if you really want to study the proper fingering. Cool, right? So having studied all those facts and after consulting with my parents and relaying to them the benefits of learning to play the guitar DVDs, I am this close to convincing them.
Now if you guys want to learn to play the guitar from the comfort of your own home, similar to having a private instructor, I highly recommend that you visit the site.

1 thoughts:
hi! i was in second year high school when my dad bought me a guitar because i told him i wanted to learn how to play it. i lost my interest because my hand was small it can't reach some of the tabs and my fingers started to hurt from practicing.but how i wish i continued pursuing it,so i can just grab a song hits and play all the wonderful songs to my heart's content.
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