My parents recently sent us goody boxes from the USA. Of course, since mom knows I'm a chocoholic, she included several packs of chocolates. Among the chocolates she sent were the following:
Lindt Fioretto
Ghirardelli Luxe Milk Hazelnut
Both chocolates contained nuts, hazelnuts specifically and since both tasted like Ferrero Rocher, I feasted on them. Of course, I still ate the chocolates in moderation. By saying in moderation I mean that I limited myself to 2-3 pieces each time. However, I noticed that after eating that much, I started having trouble breathing and I started wheezing. Sort of like an asthma attack. I should know because I'm asthmatic. I also started getting palpitations and believe me, it wasn't a good feeling.
So I started thinking, could I be allergic to nuts? I sure hope not. Especially after I read an online journal discussing Anaphylaxis. It said that it was a rapid allergic reaction which could lead to death and that it was often triggered by food intake and, yes you guessed it right, chocholates AND nuts are included in the list. Oh please. Torture!

5 thoughts:
check with your doctor. it might be one of the cause.
Maybe you should have it checked with your doctor. Being asthmatic, there is a possibility that you might be allergic to nuts. You'll never know til you have it confirmed.
You could be allergic to nuts.My sister in Fla had DOB after eating nuts. Better get allergy tests to know what foods you are allergic to.
You could be allergic to nuts.My sister in Fla had DOB after eating nuts. Better get allergy tests to know what foods you are allergic to.
i have added ur button in my blog..ckh it
add me up in ur blog plz :)
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