03 October 2010

Emily's Rules:

1. Depending on your age, go back 10, 15, 20, or even more years.
2. Tell us how many years back you have traveled and why.
3. Pretend you have met yourself during that era, and tell us where you are.
4. You only have one "date" with this former self.
5. Answer these questions.

Okay, as we start, what year is it and how old are you? - 1990 and I'm 13 years old.☺

1. Would your younger self (YYS, from here) recognize you when you first meet? - Definitely. Except for the weight, nothing much changed.☺

2. Would YYS be surprised to discover what you are doing job wise? - No. I've always wanted to be a writer.

3. What piece of fashion advice would you give YYS? - Stick to the basics and always remember: QUALITY not QUANTITY.

4. What do you think YYS is most going to want to know? - If I am married yet. LOL!

5. How would you answer YYS's question? - Haven't found one who's deserving of me yet.

6. What would probably be the best thing to tell YYS? - It's better to screw up while you're young because you still have a lot of years ahead of you to prove what you really are.

7. What is something that you probably wouldn't tell YYS? - I wouldn't tell my YYS to regret the decisions she makes, whether good or bad.

8. What do you think will most surprise YYS about you? - That I am still single. Hahaha! (When I was younger, my cousins said I will be the 1st one to marry and look at where they are now...all married and they weren't even able to fulfill most of their dreams.)

9. What do you think will least surprise YYS? - That I preferred to bid the corporate world early and just concentrate on working from home as a freelancer. I've never been "employee material".

10. At this point in your life, would YYS like to run into "you" from the future? - Definitely.☺

3 thoughts:

So true about quality!

Have a great Sunday.

Join us for Monday Mayhem!


Enjoyed reading your answers :)
"Stick to basics and always remember Quality not Qualtity"..I agree with you at this.



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