16 October 2010

1. Does anything about Halloween “spook” you? - Honestly? None.

2. What is the favorite costume you have ever worn for Halloween? - I went to a party as ME and I think that was the best costume I've ever worn.

3. What is your favorite thing about Halloween? - Candies, candies and candies!

4. What one topic is (or was) the most painful to discuss with your parents? Why? - My foolish shenanigans with boys.

5. What was the happiest day of your life? Do you think you'll ever top it? - All the days I considered happy turned out to be preludes to living nightmares. So I've changed my take on that.

6. What animal would you like to be able to communicate with? - A cat. I'd ask him why he scares me so, why he keeps on meowing and why it seems as though they speak to me sometimes.

7. In what way do you come nearest to perfection (as you define it)? - I know that nobody's perfect so I really have no basis for defining perfection. 

8. Do you have any recurring nightmares? - Yes.

9. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be and why? - I won't change anything. I'd like to believe my parents raised me the best way they possibly could and I am so thankful for that.

1 thoughts:

Candy, candy, candy- too funny!

Have a great Saturday!


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