09 October 2010

1. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? - Definitely listener.

2. Do you take compliments well? - I think I do although I find it embarrassing when other people pay me compliments. Is that weird?

3. Are you judgmental? - Sad to say, a bit.

4. Do you think more about the past, present or future? - I tend to think a lot about the past and the future. I find that weird for someone who lives life one day at a time.

5. What do you hate? - Liars and egotistical people.

6. Use three words to describe yourself. - Sensitive, loyal and a fighter.

7. Do you celebrate Halloween? Explain: - Nah. I don't need Halloweens to indulge on sweets when I can do that everyday. ;)

8. If you were mixing up a witches brew, what would be in it? - Frogs' eyes (instead of a newt's), cockroaches, rats' tails, puppy dog tails, licorice...

9. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on? - The softer, bigger one and the one that's farthest from the door.

1 thoughts:

I think we are all judgmental to some extent.

Have a great Saturday!


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