12 February 2011

I was watching a TV special last night about engaged couples who are tying the knot on Valentine’s Day. All the stories were really romantic. One couple fell in love over ice cream, while the other couple professed their love for each other while they were yet in 6th grade and even if they grew apart after that, after so many years they still ended up together. But one particular story that really caught my attention was about this guy who started noticing this girl because of the cute and colorful nursing scrubs she wore every time she went out.

It turned out the girl was a nursing intern and the really cute scrub clothing she wore each and every day was her nursing uniform. He actually used the uniform to strike up a conversation and break the ice. I, personally, am amazed when I see nurses wearing those unique scrubs nowadays. It makes nurses look more personable and of course, it allows nurses to express themselves in fun ways.

I think whoever thought of making colorful, fun and cute nursing uniforms is a genius. Let’s face it, there are some people, kids especially, who are kind of scared of people wearing white uniform and these new nursing scrubs make them less intimidating. Besides, in the case of that nursing student mentioned at the onset, her cute uniform paved the way for her to meet her future lifelong partner.

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