21 September 2009

Finally! This payment should have been long overdue. I have read numerous posts stating so and so earned the minimum cash-out credits at IM Reportcard in a matter of weeks. However, unfortunately, I'm not that active with the site. I've been a bad girl. I know, guilty I am of not spending profitable time there. It's just that most of the time, in the course of my Adgitizing and dropping ECs, I find myself with literally no time left for other stuff. Still, I'm so happy that I earned enough credits to request for payout. It took less than 2 days for the payment to get to my Paypal account but it's now there.

Thank you so much, IMRC! I promise to be a good girl from now on and work there more often.


3 thoughts:

congrats on your earnings! I joined that site too, but I haven't really taken time to visit the site again.


thanks, czaroma. i, too, don't spend too much time there but it's definitely worth it. it's a good paying site.=)


Hello, I saw that ur from Philippines. How come you were able to register there where the fact that Philippines is one of the countries that is banned? I tried to sign up many times but I think I'm not allowed to.


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