02 October 2010

1. Do you make and keep friends easily? - I don't make friends easily but it's easy for me to keep my friends...the true ones.

2. Who was your very first friend? - There's this girl, she's 5 years older than I am and we became friends when I was about 8. Her name's Marinor and although we rarely see each other, the friendship remains and I know that we'll always be a major presence in each other's lives.

3. Who has been your friend the longest now? - I have 2 cousins whom I consider my best friends but outside of family, I'd have to say Marinor. We're the sort who always picks up right where we left off. We've been friends for 25 years.

4. Tell us about your best friend. - She's as different from me as night is to day. But even so, we still click and until now I'm still trying to understand how and why we do. 

5. Tell us about the friend who gets on your nerves the most, and why. - It's not so much as really getting on my nerves but I have this friend who has this annoying habit of talking over others. It pisses me off big time.

6. Tell us about the last time you let a friend down. - I can say, with my head held high, that I have never let a friend down ever. (Well, at least not yet and I'm hoping I won't.)

7. Tell us about the last wonderful thing a friend did for you! - Called me because according to her, she missed hearing my voice.

8. What was the last 'friend' thing you did? - Listened to a friend who was ranting and raving.☺

9. Have your ever been jealous of a friend's S/O? - Yes.

6 thoughts:

Its hard for me to develop strong bond of frienship with anyone. It takes time but once it is formed they are my friends forever :)



There is nothing better than having a friend like you who'll listen!! Referring to your answer #8

Here is my SATURDAY link. Hope you can stop by if time allows.

I also have a Halloween/October Treat for you---find it on my sidebar!!


Sweet Blog. Stopped in from the Sat. 9 linky bob! I could have said more on 5# but the person I am thinking of reads it so.. yeah.. I put hubby instead! *giggle*


That's neat that you are friends with your cousins.

Have a great Saturday!


True Friends are really hard to find...So if you have found one make sure to treasure them much!


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