05 July 2010

I was finally able to watch Eclipse last night. My brother downloaded it and we were able to enjoy the movie from the comfort of our home. To tell you honestly, I haven't read the book yet. But I do have the feeling that the book is way better than the movie adaptation. I'm not saying I didn't like Eclipse. I did. I loved it. But I am positive that there were some elements in the novel that weren't used in the film. So as soon as I'm able to leave my silent sanctuary, a.k.a. my house, I'm hitting the nearest bookstore to buy the book.

Suffice it to say that I went to bed with images of Edward in my mind. Before the start of the movie, I was having mixed feelings. I didn't know if I would lean towards Team Jacob or Team Edward. But as the movie progressed, I had my mind set. This decision was all the more affirmed when Edward told Bella, "Will you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?" I almost fell down from my seat. I mean who wouldn't swoon over a guy who considers you his reason for existing, right?

So when the movie ended, I arrived at the official conclusion: it's Team Edward for me.☺

1 thoughts:

aww. dear.. then u shouldn't miss eclipse and breaking dawn ( the books )as books are always better than movies :)
and hey.. your blog is lovely!


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